Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Vjzaria special illustration mapping- Dubai-UAE

The mapping was during the Sikka Art Fair 2013 in Al Fahidi historic place, Dubai-UAE. Produced by the Dubai culture and Arts Authority, Sikka is an annual exhibition specifically designed to feature UAE contemporary art pratices.





                                 Bahia- Brazil- Abril/2013

                                  Bahia- Brazil- Abril/2013

Monday, August 20, 2012

Braziliality presents : "Belo Monte : announcement of a War" + Tarsila Schubert private view + Multimedia Art by VJZARIA ( 07/10/12 in London-UK)

Braziliality invites people interested in the Brazilian issues to discuss the construction of the Belo Monte dam screening the documentary “Belo Monte, an Announcement of a War”. The screening will have a break, in which the VJ artist Edmosh (VJZARIA) will do a Multimedia Performance involving video mapping. The performance also is related to the subject of indigenous tribes of the Amazon Forest. After the screening, we will host the private view of TARSILA SCHUBERT solo exhibition at the Gallery, with a live jazz band. Private View: 7th October 2012 from 6pm Exhibition runs from 7th October until 7th November/ Floripa gallery- London-UK
Opening the exhibition 07.10.2012 Braziliality Gallery London UK
Opening the exhibition 07.10.2012 Braziliality Gallery London UK
Opening the exhibition 07.10.2012 Braziliality Gallery London UK
Mapping stereoscopic 3D Braziliality Gallery London UK

Opening the exhibition 07.10.2012 Braziliality Gallery London UK
Toda fauna e flora grita de amor 1,20cm x 0,60cm Acrilica sobre canvas,2011.
Painting Mapping
Defesa 1,00cm x 0,50cm Acrilica sobre canvas,2012.(Defense 1.00 cm x 0.50 cm Acrylic on canvas, 2012.)
Olho por olho, 1,00cm x 0,40cm Acrilica sobre canvas,2011.( Tit for tat, 1.00 cm x 0.40 cm Acrylic on canvas, 2011)
Encontro de cores na floresta, 1,20cm x 0,60cm Acrilica sobre canvas,2011.(Forest's meeting colors, 1.20 cm x 0.60 cm Acrylic on canvas, 2011)

Pela Amazônia, 1,20cm x 0,80cm Acrilica sobre canvas,2011.( By Amazonia, 1.20 cm x 0.80 cm Acrylic on canvas, 2011)
O projeto é inedítismo na linguagem proposta, sendo o primeiro projeto de artes plásticas vinculada a projeção mapeada 3D usando conteúdo estereoscópico (3d com oculos). Assuntos ligados a floresta Amazônica, comunidades indígenas, as obras no Belo Monte, é um assunto que vem gerando polemica mundial. O Brasil é um gigante perante o mundo e tem a maior floresta do planeta dentro do seu território; O objetivo geral da mostra, é causar uma reflexão sobre a floresta Amazônica, sua a sua preservação, universo cultural, fauna, flora e sua transcendência de povos e fronteiras.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Art in the Park

Interventions in the park Tarsila Schubert, Fernando Chamarelli, Robrigo Level e L7m